Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Daughter! Who is 10..

For my sweet girl...I love you so much Teagan. The time has really gone by so fast, and I can't believe you are 10 years old! I really admire you, and I am so proud to be your mom..You bring nothing but joy to my heart, and I just love you to pieces..

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

My mom also still fit into her dress..

Conley and I had to wake the kids up at about 8am. We were so surprised they wern't awake earlier! The kids both got Nintendo DS Lites, with 2 games each. As the day went on they added to their collection of games by my family.(Thanks) So I think now they have a ton of games, and are enjoying their DS's alot. THe only annoying thing is Cade gets so mad when he dies, he will just cry, and cry..He is doing better now, but is always asking me to help him..We are very lucky, and had a wonderful day. We had my mom come over, and we cooked my first Prime Rib, and it turned out rockin! I also wanted to brag that I fit into my mom's wedding dress!!! Anyone who knows my mom, knows she is a stick, so I had to take pictures of that! Thanks for everyone's thoughtful gifts, and treats. We appreciate your friendship!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


We had our friends over for Christmas eve. We decorated "chocolate chip" cookies because my sugar cookies did NOT turn out. So I went to the store and they only had chocolate chip 1s! SO we decorated those, and also some rice crispie treats. That night we went over to my dad's house, had dinner and exchanged gifts. It was a fun night!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

12-23 Wednesday --Must see Alvin and Chipmunks..

This morning, even tho we woke up to snowy roads, I got the kids to the gym by 9, worked out, changed, took the kids to Target to get treats, and made it to the 10:45 show of Alvin and the Chipminks the Squeakle...Every seat was taken in the theater, but we got there early, so we didn't have to fight for a seat..The kids LOVED this movie, I think it's even funnier then the first 1. I would totally recommend this movie! Another note, Teagan has started her medication today, and so far I feel like I am getting my daughter back. She has been less emotional, very helpful, and very nice to Cade. Both of my kids have been telling all these strangers Merry Christmas where ever we go..They are good kids! Maybe the next week and half won't be too bad:)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cade playing guitar, Cade Xmas party

Cade has been playing guitars a lot and dancing lately. I caught him doing this dance guitar things the other day, he is too funny. And of course Teagan has to be in the video too...She loves the spotlight! Also check out this pinata that Cade's class got to hit open! It was gigantic! Eventually I had to hold the pinata and his teacher had to sit there and wack the dang thing like 20 times to get it open! I was like please don't hit me... Teagan's school only has Christmas parties for like 15 minutes, so I was unable to attend her's since I have to pick Cade up at school. But she was with me Friday at Cade's school and loved helping all the kids, and she eventually found all her old friends and was hanging out with them! LOL Kids are officially out of school, my brother Steve comes tonight, and Brian tomorrow. We will have xmas eve dinner with my dad, and make up our own Christmas day..But whatever we do it's sure to be fun around here!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Coach Alycia...

I am going to be Teagan's basketball coach..We will see how this goes, since its 10-12 year old girls. I'm probably in over my head, but it will give me and Teagan some extra time together..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday 12-13

We are doing good. We spent our week just going to school, working, and volunteering. The kids' last day of school is next Thursday, then they are out until January 3rd. Our move is currently on hold, so we are still at 10700 address, in case anyone wanted to know. I will update that when I hear more. So for now, I am trying to Christmas shop, I am doing Nintendo Ds lite's this year for the kids, and just a couple other things. I figure all the money I'd spend on toys that would be broken within a few weeks, or the kids would be bored with them the DS is a good investment. That is all Teagan asked for anyways..Cade is a different story his list was like 2 pages long, but he has since shortened it also to a DS and a GIJoe sword with the mask of snake eyes..I'm signing teagan up for basketball next week, and she will play with the 10-12 year olds! Nothing else more really is going on here, it has finally warmed up to the 40's. Our septic hasn't froze yet so thats a good thing. Roxy is doing well. She got sick this week, and puked in front of Conley while he was eating his dinner, and he was done after that. She also made a mess in her kennel one day, and I had to throw out all the bedding in it, but now she is all good! She listens well to me, and loves to protect me! She will bark if Conley yells at the tv, and I'm next to him, or if he wants to snuggle with me, Roxy barks too..She is a good puppy:) At least someone around here appreciates me:) Even if its a dog.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday at Bass Pro Shops...The kids got to give Santa a hug, and get pictures with him. They also got a goodie bag, and got to get their own breakfast. Oh the things we do for our kids.

Moving on UP...

We have started to move...Yes it's a hard time of year, especially for me because I'm usually really prepared for Christmas..By now I usually have all or most gifts bought, ready to send out to family, and I have cards done..This year I'm not there yet. I'm having a hard time figuring out where I'll get all this extra time from, and what I'm going to do with all this crap we have now..We have bought a lot of new items that are already in the new house, but we have so much stuff I'm not even sure where to start..We will probably be in the new house within the next 2 weeks.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Flu? Just sick? Swine flu?

Last night after I ate dinner, I got super cold, and was freezing all night. Con put the portable heater on my side of the bed and got it all warm, because I couldn't get warm. I had already up-chucked dinner, which I will NEVER make Beef and Broccoli again. Then I got so hot, I couldn't even think straight. For about 3 hours I was in love with the ice packs. I didn't sleep at all, my whole body aches, I layed on the couch all day today fighting this fever. I cannot even keep liquids down. I hope Con knows how to cook dinner, because if I look at food I will be sick. My stomach also feel like someone is stabbing it..UGH I hope this goes away fast. I hope my kids won't get sick...
So far maybe 12 advil, and still have a fever..And a dog, and 4 cats, and 2 kids...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday 11-29

I took the kids to Bass Pro shops today, hoping we would get a picture with Santa, but the lines were just too long. But the kids did get to make an ornament, and we walked around for a while. They got to shoot guns, and play with race cars, but we will go back next weekend for Breakfast with Santa and get our pictures then. Here are a few I got. Neither kid was too excited to get a picture taken, but I guess its the age:)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Con, and Thanksgiving..

The kids surprised Con with a family b-day party. When he walked in from football, they had decorated with Nuggets blue strings everywhere, and signs, and had dressed up into their jerseys. I even made a Nuggets cake, which looks like a 2nd grader did it, but oh-well, I tried. Con got a book, and 4 tickets to the Nuggets game on the 27th, in the Suites. He was excited to get the tickets, but I'm not sure how excited he is to take the kids..The tickets are all in the same suite, but not all 4 are together, 2 and 2 are. So he has already chosen Cade, but I'm sure both kids will fight over sitting next to me, because they fight over everything. We had a great dinner just by ourselves and my brother Austin. We also saw the movie The Blind Side, and it was really good.

Today: I did end up going shopping, but it was at 8am, with the kids! I took them to JCPenny and they got clothes, socks. Then I had to go to Bath and Body, with the buy 3 get 3 free, and that tote they had worth over 100 for 15 bucks, I got that too. Then I went to the gym, did my class, burned 1126 calories! After that I took the kids to my friends house, I ran to Walmart for both of us, I ended up with the jacket, and bike I wanted and I got her the 3.00 PJ's..Now this was after 11, probably 1130, and they still had items, and it wasn't that crowded! Note to self, next year just wait until the crowds die down, and its great!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Teagan volleyball

She had a lot of fun playing volleyball this year. She was a lot better also, She could serve this year, but still needs help with returning the ball. She loves sports, and I'm looking forward to basketball which starts in January.

Teagan wins the game...

She had her last volleyball game yesterday. My mom, dad, Con, Cade, and Austin were there. Yes it was maybe the 2nd time I have seen my parents together, but it was really good for Teagan to have the support! Thanks Mom and Dad, and Austin for supporting Teagan! Here is a video of Teagan with the last 2 points needed to win, and she got them!

21 Again...

Last night I surprised Conley with having all his really close friends meet us at Rock Bottom. Everyone showed up that said they would, and we had so much fun! It was so nice for a change to see Conley happy. Thanks to everyone who came, he had a lot of fun and was passed out right after we got home:) I forgot my camera, but I have something else up my sleeve,..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Conley met me at the Dr at 9:20, he went in with Cade I went in with Teagan. I could hear blood crawling screams from Cade, and Con said the Dr froze it like 7 times. And Cade would say how many more? Awe...Poor little man. He is all good now, I took him to school afterwards and he was fine. Teagan got a prescription for Vyvanse (adhd) I am still in limbo here wondering what to do with the prescription. Its expensive like 70.00 and there are warnings for heart conditions. Teagan has had a heart murmur in the past, but the Dr didn't hear it today. I want to get better insurance and take her to a cadiologist I think before I proceed with any medication. Anyways:
Next up for us: Saturday is Teagans last volleyball game at 12. Saturday night it Date night:) Monday are kids dentist appointments (they love me lately) And Con will find out tomorrow if he has jury duty Friday...Knowing his luck he will have it, get picked for some dumb crime, and be doing that for the next month...(not to jinx him or anything)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wednesday Dr. Apts...

I have finally reached my breaking point, and have scheduled Teagan a follow up appointment from her exam in July. It has taken me so long because 1. I really thought Teagan was just going through a phase with the hyperness, and she just cannot calm down, and it has really become an issue at home. 2. I was waiting to talk to her teacher at parent teacher conferences to ask her opinion, and she agreed that yes Teagan seems pre-occupied with other things, and has a hard time concentrating and maybe a Dr. could help her and me. Teagan's x-ray for scoliosis was negative, and cost 400.00 for 1 dang x-ray...She still has a heart murmur that should be checked tomorrow also. But nothing to be concerned with. I have filled out all my paper work for her, and I just hope we can all reach a happy-medium here, because at times I honestly do not have the patience to fight with my kid any more. Maybe part of it is her age, she is starting to develop (yikes) and has a new found attitude. She likes boys way too much for almost being 10, she thinks she should have a cell phone (NO WAY), and she thinks dishes, laundry and dinner are done by the magic fairy. She honestly has 2 sides to her..1. VERY sweet, caring and loving 2. she is a liar, she steals small things, and she FORGETS everything like lunchbox, jacket, she just seems like she has not a care in the world..It's like she is a hippie's kid..But despite everything, she has a sweet soul, and I love her with all my heart and just want her to be happy, healthy and get good grades (which are suffering from her lack of interest)

Cade is also going to the DR...He has a wart..I know its gross. We froze it off in July, ourselves but "Frank" has grown back triple the size and its bad now. Cade asked me on the way to school the other day, "Mom I want my knuckle back" The wart covers his right index finger's knuckle. I will take a picture of it before..Its like a little cauliflower..

Roxy is getting big. She is about 60 pounds now, and chews everything. She ate the corner of our end table, the corner of the really nice shag rug we have, she chewed up a basketball, every toy I give her is destroyed within 5 minutes. And so far has chewed threw 4 leashes...And cords..

Con is almost 31, on the 26th of this month, I will post later what we do for his birthday...I am still working out at Lifetime, but I have cut back to help Conley at the office and car washes a lot more. I spend almost everyday, from about 9-3 at his office, and we are busy. Now only if I could get that paycheck..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cade playing guitar

Cade loves to steal Teagan's things and tease her, but he was just playing along to a song on tv here...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Our day started out with Teagan playing volleyball. She made 5 serves in a row over, and got 5 points. She did this a few times. They have a rule you can't get more than 5 points in 1 turn, or obviously the games wouldn't be very fair. But they won 2 out of 3 games:) After this I took the kids grocery shopping. It was all good until the kids got bored and started playing tag though out the aisles, and Teagan loaded up my cart with dry pinto beans and almonds..She LOVES to push my buttons. Well we were just about done, and then they found turkey basters. Teagan started trying to suck Cade's blood out, then he started poking her with one, and it was just a downward spiral from there. At the checkout they have Christmas wrapping paper now..Well while I am trying to check out, they are playing swords and beating the crap out of each other. Finally I walk over grab both of them, and then they try to go back. So the cashier says "Those are to buy not to play with" And the cashier made a comment about if I was going to have more kids, and I told her are you kidding? So after this, I took the kids to the Dollar store (I sware I am crazy today) I needed to get a few things for Cade's friend Lilly, (our neighbor who comes over to play with me and just talk to me, she was turning 5 today) Well I made it out of the Dollar store with no real problems. I then took the kids to Chick Fillet, got lunch came home, unloaded groceries. I have been watching my dad's dog Kira for 11 days so far. She is old like 11 years, but loves to jump up on counters and eat food. I hadn't had any problems until today. I always lock the dogs up when I leave, Roxy in her kennel and I just let Kira stay in the guest room. Well when I came back from the b-day party Kira had opened the guest door..AND ATE THE BRAND NEW LOAF OF LOW FAT WHEAT BREAD....I was so pissed because that's MY bread, and I just paid like 4 bucks for that today...So anyways, after this Conley met us at the Outback for dinner, since he'd been working all day. Funny thing about this is, the manager came over to ask us how our experience was, and said Conley had looked un happy the entire time, and I said well he always looks like this, then he gave us 50% off our bill! Now I'm sitting here writing this blog, while Teagan is downstairs scaring Cade so he is now afraid to sleep in the basement...And Kira smells like something has died inside her. Think that covers Saturday..Tomorrow we have to pick up my dad from the airport, since he was in Hawaii for all this time, and that's about it.
We are all healthy, the kids have been very healthy, I will be taking Teagan in for a follow up on her heart murmur, and her ADHD, her teacher thinks it would help her now, so I need to do that. Cade also needs his wart "Frank" removed. We thought we killed it, but it is growing back bigger now, taking up his whole knuckle.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday(Snow Day 2)

Wow, I never thought 2 days in the house with 2 kids and 2 dogs would be so FUN!!! Just kidding:) I had Con take me to the grocery store this morning before he went to work..I didn't want to miss the big sale at King Soopers for today only! 1.99 12 packs of pepsi products, and 1.88 bags of good candy..I'll update more later. So far its still snowing, (light) but we probably have over a foot of snow, but some areas like my deck are up to 3 feet, and around the house from all the drifts..So fun...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow Day Today (Wednesday)

It hasn't happened in a long time, I don't think the kids had a snow day last year, but they both have 1 today...I'm not sure what we will be doing, so far its been crazy. Cade loves to take showers now and has to have all his "guys" in the shower with him. So he is always getting in then out of the shower and getting all the carpet wet, then I walk in it with my socks. I am dog sitting Kira my dad's yellow lab who is 11 years old. Roxy just wants to play with her, Kira is like whatever I just want to sleep. Roxy loves the snow, she is chasing it, and chasing the flakes and eating it, Kira is like whatever I have seen snow already. Good thing I went grocery shopping yesterday:)
Right now Cade is walking Kira around the house with her leash on, and Roxy is stuck in her corner, she is too excited. And Cade just got hit in the face with a volleyball Teagan kicked at him, then they threw magnet darts at each other..Its only 8am...I do love my kids very much, they are so fun to watch sometimes.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I am just getting started on this...I have 165 pictures..I will continue to post more each day:) Here are 5 of my 165 tho...I love the famiy picture..I am thinking that is the Christmas cards...