Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

My mom also still fit into her dress..

Conley and I had to wake the kids up at about 8am. We were so surprised they wern't awake earlier! The kids both got Nintendo DS Lites, with 2 games each. As the day went on they added to their collection of games by my family.(Thanks) So I think now they have a ton of games, and are enjoying their DS's alot. THe only annoying thing is Cade gets so mad when he dies, he will just cry, and cry..He is doing better now, but is always asking me to help him..We are very lucky, and had a wonderful day. We had my mom come over, and we cooked my first Prime Rib, and it turned out rockin! I also wanted to brag that I fit into my mom's wedding dress!!! Anyone who knows my mom, knows she is a stick, so I had to take pictures of that! Thanks for everyone's thoughtful gifts, and treats. We appreciate your friendship!

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