Wednesday, December 23, 2009

12-23 Wednesday --Must see Alvin and Chipmunks..

This morning, even tho we woke up to snowy roads, I got the kids to the gym by 9, worked out, changed, took the kids to Target to get treats, and made it to the 10:45 show of Alvin and the Chipminks the Squeakle...Every seat was taken in the theater, but we got there early, so we didn't have to fight for a seat..The kids LOVED this movie, I think it's even funnier then the first 1. I would totally recommend this movie! Another note, Teagan has started her medication today, and so far I feel like I am getting my daughter back. She has been less emotional, very helpful, and very nice to Cade. Both of my kids have been telling all these strangers Merry Christmas where ever we go..They are good kids! Maybe the next week and half won't be too bad:)

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