Saturday, November 7, 2009


Our day started out with Teagan playing volleyball. She made 5 serves in a row over, and got 5 points. She did this a few times. They have a rule you can't get more than 5 points in 1 turn, or obviously the games wouldn't be very fair. But they won 2 out of 3 games:) After this I took the kids grocery shopping. It was all good until the kids got bored and started playing tag though out the aisles, and Teagan loaded up my cart with dry pinto beans and almonds..She LOVES to push my buttons. Well we were just about done, and then they found turkey basters. Teagan started trying to suck Cade's blood out, then he started poking her with one, and it was just a downward spiral from there. At the checkout they have Christmas wrapping paper now..Well while I am trying to check out, they are playing swords and beating the crap out of each other. Finally I walk over grab both of them, and then they try to go back. So the cashier says "Those are to buy not to play with" And the cashier made a comment about if I was going to have more kids, and I told her are you kidding? So after this, I took the kids to the Dollar store (I sware I am crazy today) I needed to get a few things for Cade's friend Lilly, (our neighbor who comes over to play with me and just talk to me, she was turning 5 today) Well I made it out of the Dollar store with no real problems. I then took the kids to Chick Fillet, got lunch came home, unloaded groceries. I have been watching my dad's dog Kira for 11 days so far. She is old like 11 years, but loves to jump up on counters and eat food. I hadn't had any problems until today. I always lock the dogs up when I leave, Roxy in her kennel and I just let Kira stay in the guest room. Well when I came back from the b-day party Kira had opened the guest door..AND ATE THE BRAND NEW LOAF OF LOW FAT WHEAT BREAD....I was so pissed because that's MY bread, and I just paid like 4 bucks for that today...So anyways, after this Conley met us at the Outback for dinner, since he'd been working all day. Funny thing about this is, the manager came over to ask us how our experience was, and said Conley had looked un happy the entire time, and I said well he always looks like this, then he gave us 50% off our bill! Now I'm sitting here writing this blog, while Teagan is downstairs scaring Cade so he is now afraid to sleep in the basement...And Kira smells like something has died inside her. Think that covers Saturday..Tomorrow we have to pick up my dad from the airport, since he was in Hawaii for all this time, and that's about it.
We are all healthy, the kids have been very healthy, I will be taking Teagan in for a follow up on her heart murmur, and her ADHD, her teacher thinks it would help her now, so I need to do that. Cade also needs his wart "Frank" removed. We thought we killed it, but it is growing back bigger now, taking up his whole knuckle.

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