Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow Day Today (Wednesday)

It hasn't happened in a long time, I don't think the kids had a snow day last year, but they both have 1 today...I'm not sure what we will be doing, so far its been crazy. Cade loves to take showers now and has to have all his "guys" in the shower with him. So he is always getting in then out of the shower and getting all the carpet wet, then I walk in it with my socks. I am dog sitting Kira my dad's yellow lab who is 11 years old. Roxy just wants to play with her, Kira is like whatever I just want to sleep. Roxy loves the snow, she is chasing it, and chasing the flakes and eating it, Kira is like whatever I have seen snow already. Good thing I went grocery shopping yesterday:)
Right now Cade is walking Kira around the house with her leash on, and Roxy is stuck in her corner, she is too excited. And Cade just got hit in the face with a volleyball Teagan kicked at him, then they threw magnet darts at each other..Its only 8am...I do love my kids very much, they are so fun to watch sometimes.

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