Thursday, October 22, 2009


I am finally getting Cade's cat Ben10 spayed! YAY no more kittens! I am so happy about that! Also took dog in today to be spayed. She is about 6mo old, and 47 pounds! It was an early morning for me. I had to wake up, get animals ready, listen to the cat freak out the entire way to Ft. Lupton. At one point I thought the cat was going to break out of the cage, and attack me. It sounded so pissed off. The dog just sat in the front seat like a kid, looking out the window. She is a true lady though, she did not want to have anything to do with the scale at the clinic. They had to pick her up and place her on the scale! Today I'm volunteering 2 times in Cade's class. For reading and math:) Even though Cade moved up a level in reading, and he is in the highest math class, so he isn't actually in the room I volunteer in, but I'm still helping his teacher. That's what I like about Belle Creek, they have 3 different levels, and they work with the kids on each level:)

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