Saturday, October 11, 2008

Freight Fest at Elitches

I took the kids and Kiki to Elitches last night. They transform into a "frieght Fest" for Halloween. The kids got to see a hurse, zombies, monsters, gravestones, skeltons, and many other dead things. We went into the kids first Haunted House! Cade took hold of my hand and basically pulled me as fats as he could through the house. He jumped at the dead bodies which jump at you, he freaked out over the people banging on the windows, and freaked out the most over the guy chasing us with a chainsaw. I lost Teagan at first because she was bawling, and couldn't figure out how to cross the bridge that had lights rotating around it. And the point of that is to make you feel as though you are falling. It was fun, and they kids enjoyed a night of rides also. They went on the roller coaster, spyder, troika, swings, cars, bumper cars, planes, bus, ferris wheel, and boat. It was fun! Only down fall was Cade couldn't sleep last night, and was up every 10 minutes freaking out because he couldn't find his mommy! He ended up on my floor!

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